Brazilian Hydrogen for the Domestic Market - Mapping of Key Applications and Areas of Competitiveness

Thursday, August 29, 2024

04:00 pm - 05:30 pm
Expo Center Norte, 2nd floor
Cantareira 2

Brazil is a leading producer of agricultural commodities, but remains highly dependent on imports of fertilizers and other strategic inputs for the agricultural sector. This panel will focus on the use of green hydrogen for the production of low-carbon nitrogen fertilizers and other high priority applications for the domestic market.

04:00 pm - 04:15 pmIdentification of Priority Applications and Competitive Segments

Eduardo Tobias Ruiz

Managing Partner

Watt Capital

04:15 pm - 04:30 pmHow Can Export Projects Contribute to the Local Production Chain?

José Augusto Gomes Campos

Head New Business - Power to X

Casa dos Ventos S.A.

04:30 pm - 04:45 pmCurrent Production and Use of Renewable H2 in the Brazilian Chemical Sector and Future Prospects

Dierce Wiques

Senior Project Manager

Promon Engenharia

04:45 pm - 05:00 pmPerspectives for Local Production of Nitrogen Fertilizers From Renewable H2

Kátia Abreu

Board of Directors


05:00 pm - 05:15 pmOpportunities for Renewable Hydrogen Application in the Domestic Market

Leandro Borgo

President of the Council


05:15 pm - 05:30 pmQ&A

Dierce Wiques, Promon Engenharia

Senior Project Manager


Engineering and projects executive with a 25-year career in the management/implementation of corporate ventures and projects in the O&G, chemicals, pulp and paper, electricity and EPC segments. I have solid experience in managing highly complex projects in terms of regulations, HSE, large multidisciplinary teams and CAPEX (in the order of R$1.10 billion) and modularization of greenfield/brownfield projects. I have also worked on greenfield projects for petrochemical plants and chlor-alkali plants, the execution and budgeting of thermal power plants and corporate projects to reduce costs and technology. Throughout my professional experience I have worked in various areas, such as: Portfolio and Program Management, Project Engineering, PMO, Economic Feasibility Studies and EPC Planning and Control. In PMO (Project Management Office) management, I led the preparation of strategic planning, project risk management, performance management and the application of Value Improving Practices. I have a degree in Chemical Production Engineering, an MBA in Business Management from ICEF/FGV, specialization in H2V from UFBA, and in Contract Management from FTE and certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP®).

Leandro Borgo, ABHAV

President of the Council

Leandro Borgo estudou Relações Internacionais (UVV - Universidade de Vila Velha) e Filosofia (UFES - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo). Trabalhou como corretor no mercado financeiro, mas logo migrou para a área de energia renovável. Em 2004, foi gerente de usina de uma das maiores indústrias de biodiesel da época, em Piracicaba. Em 2007, na Renova Energia, foi responsável pelo desenvolvimento de projetos de energia eólica. Em 2010, participou de um Road Show bem-sucedido que resultou em um IPO em 2011. Em 2013, tirou um ano sabático e, em 2014, fundou a Sertão Energia Solar. Durante esse período, desenvolveu mais de 10 GWp de projetos, dos quais 3,1 GWp foram implementados. Em 2022, ajudou a fundar a ABHAV (Associação Brasileira de Hidrogênio Verde e Amônia) e foi eleito presidente do conselho de administração.

Kátia Abreu, JBS S.A.

Board of Directors


Kátia Abreu was twice a senator for Tocantins and is the former president of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA). She was Brazil's first female Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. Today she works as a businesswoman in agriculture, real estate and as a consultant on agribusiness, international markets, logistics and renewable energies. She is CEO of BRZ Consulting and represents the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) on the Board of Directors of JBS, the world's largest conglomerate of animal protein companies.

Eduardo Tobias Ruiz, Watt Capital

Managing Partner


Eduardo Tobias is a Managing Partner at Watt Capital. He is a specialist in project investment analysis, project financing, and on mergers & acquisitions of renewable energy projects and assets in Brazil. He is a cofounder and currently the vice-coordinator of ABSOLAR's Green Hydrogen Working Group. Tobias is also a visiting Professor at FGV, teaching for its Power Sector Executive Program, and author of the books 'Investment Analysis in Utility Scale PV Projects' (2021) and 'Investment Analysis in Bioenergy Greenfield Projects' (2015). He has a BSc. in Business Administration from FGV-EAESP and a Professional Master in Bioenergy from FGV-EESP.

José Augusto Gomes Campos, Casa dos Ventos S.A.

Head New Business - Power to X

José Augusto holds a bachelor's degree in physics from the State University of Campinas and serves as the Leader of Business Development for Decarbonization and Green Molecules at Casa dos Ventos S/A. In this role, he leads projects aimed at reducing carbon footprints, establishing strategic partnerships across various industry sectors, and promoting the use of green electricity and green molecules, such as hydrogen, methanol, ammonia, and sustainable aviation fuels, as well as the electrification of industrial processes through the implementation of e-boilers. Previously, José Augusto was Director of Business Development - Energy, Oil & Gas at Andrade Gutierrez, where he held a leadership role in areas including hydropower, thermal, wind, and solar energy, as well as energy transmission and distribution, and in the Oil & Gas and LNG sectors. He was also a member of the Board of Directors at TEN, a wind turbine tower manufacturer. His background includes prominent positions such as a member of the Board of Directors for CEMIG, Light, Quiport, and CCR. He served as Director of Project Financing at Quiport, Senior Financial Manager at Suez-Tractebel (now Engie), and Project Finance Manager for Road Concessions at Andrade Gutierrez. His career began in the financial sector with roles at Citibank and Banco Nacional.

Further Content
Thomas Hillig, Founder from THEnergy
Global Race for Green Hydrogen – Just Hype or the Key to a Sustainable Energy Future?

The smarter E Podcast Episode 188 | Language: English

August 22, 2024

We speak with Thomas Hillig about global developments in green hydrogen

Press Release
Reflecting the advances made by renewable energy in Brazil, The smarter E South America 2024 has surpassed the 650 exhibitors mark, growing by more than 20% over last year’s edition

September 2, 2024

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Visitor Information

Buy your exhibition or conference ticket via the online ticket shop.

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What you should know about the Brazilian markets for energy storage and green hydrogen

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The Brazilian electricity market is changing. The share of renewable energy based on solar and wind power is growing and is expected to account for 50% of future electricity production. Challenges posed by fluctuating renewable sources require new approaches for managing the Brazilian electricity grid, thus creating significant opportunities for energy storage.

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